In this episode, host Lindsay Hadley dives deep into the world of mental health with licensed therapist Lauren Harrington, who specializes in anxiety and OCD. Join us as we explore the challenges of genuine human connection in a tech-driven era and discuss how anxiety can be transformed into a functional force for growth and empowerment.
Therapist and Mental Health Consultant
Lauren Harrington, Therapist and Mental Health Consultant
Lauren graduated from Utah State University with a Bachelor of Science in Special Education with an emphasis in ages birth to five. She began her career working in Early Intervention, providing in-home services to children ages birth to three identified as having a developmental delay or biological risk through Easter seals Hawaii. After working in this field and recognizing the familial context and mental health needs of families, Lauren pursued her Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology through the University of Hawaii at Hilo. Lauren completed her clinical internship through I Ola Lāhui, a nonprofit psychology training program whose mission is to provide mental health services to Native Hawaiian populations in underserved communities. During this time, Lauren participated in a grant to provide group mindfulness classes to kupuna in adult care facilities, completed social security disability evaluations, worked on a tobacco cessation grant providing psychoeducation to youth on the island of Moloka‘i, and worked with clients to provide individual psychotherapy. Lauren’s clientele at this time consisted of individuals with severe mental illnesses, geriatric clients and their families, and more common mental health needs to include depression and anxiety. Because of her familiarity with young children and families, Lauren sought her internship to challenge her and increase the breadth of her knowledge and service provision.
Following graduation, Lauren joined Jenny Howe Consulting. She consolida… Read More